Artist: Marty Coulter
Sponsors: Jerry and Mary Lou Hubble
Dedicated to: Steven Lee Hubble
Years ago as a young man, a young girl gave me the verse as a Christmas present.
We were both farm kids. Little did I know, at the time, the impact it would have on my
life. She never knew, and I wish I could remember her name. Many years passed and
then one day I found the verse in an old box. I studied it and thought it conveyed such
a wonderful feeling. Sitting alone, I had been separated from my son, I placed it on the
table vowing never to lose it again. That was fifty years ago.. I still have it.
Then fate handed me a new job that took me around the globe. Further away from my son.
I confess my faith is weak, but I do believe in good people, doing the right thing, treating
people right and the 10 commandments. It has worked for me. The verse is said to have been written by an unknown Irish poet. The way I see it, it’s about a man and his son. As a father, separated from his son, he tried to do his best he could for him, but under the circumstances it was not good enough. But he did not quit. He reread the verse along with many other writings and applied all he could to help with his mission. In the meantime, unknown to him, his son was also on a quest for help as well, and found it through counseling. With both trying very hard through various communication methods, they are now only 5 miles apart from seeing each other. The mural is showing you that the young man going home after many miles and hardships. He feels love awaits him, as his father, now an old man, waits at the door.
Welcome home Son.
Steven L. Hubble born on 7/10/1963 died 9/9/2022
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.